3 Ways to Protect Your Home from Weather

3 Ways to Protect Your Home from Weather

The weather can change quickly, and your home needs to be ready for whatever comes. High winds, heavy rains, and freezing conditions make your home vulnerable to leaks and cracks that require expensive repairs. Have your home protected before bad weather arrives.

Trim Your Trees

Trees offer shade for your home and are good for the planet. However, they can be very dangerous for your home during bad weather if you don’t take care of them properly.

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Trees should be trimmed regularly so they aren’t hanging over your roof or close to your fence. This will help protect your property if high winds cause a limb to break and fall. It’s important to make sure your tree branches aren’t too close to power lines since this can be treacherous when bad weather hits.

You should keep your neighbors in mind as well. It’s important to make sure your trees can’t cause damage to your home or anyone else’s due to overgrowth.

You need to be on the lookout for branches that are sagging or starting to split and pay careful attention to any cracks in the trunk of your tree. Freezing temperatures, high winds, or too much rain can cause a tree to start breaking. Heat is also a factor. When trees start to break, this can lead to falls that destroy your property or hurt someone within your home.

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Protect the Basement

If you have a basement, you need to make sure it is protected from leaks so you won’t suffer from the long-term damage water can cause. Water damage can be dangerous for the health of your family, and it tends to be expensive to fix.

Use a basement waterproofing sealer to protect your basement from leaks, bad smells, and mildew that can lead to mold problems. Look for a brand that is safe and offers protection without high VOC or other toxins. You want to make sure your basement is protected and that the sealant you use is safe for people within the home.

Some sealants come with guarantees that will ensure protection for your basement for years to come. Invest in this kind of product for peace of mind. Besides protecting your home from damage, you will also be able to store items in your basement without worrying about them being destroyed if there is heavy rain or flooding. Since many home insurance companies don’t cover flood damage unless you buy a separate flood policy, it’s important to invest in avoiding water damage from the start.

Check Your Gutters and Downspouts

Cleaning your gutters is an important step in home maintenance, but it’s especially important if you are experiencing extreme weather. Leaves and other debris can land in your gutters and cause damage. It’s also likely any obstruction in your gutter will keep water from draining properly, and this means you will have more repairs to deal with if you don’t check gutters often.

Water that can’t go down spouts during rain will back up onto your roof. This can lead to leaks. Your home can also suffer from paint damage if water sits against it for too long. If leaves and debris are left in gutters when winter precipitation arrives, they can freeze and lead to splits in your gutters.

If you don’t want to check all the gutters yourself, hire someone to clean them for you on a regular basis. It’s also a good idea to keep tree branches away from gutters so you won’t have to worry about damage as much when it storms.

Your downspouts deserve attention, so make sure they are in good shape when you check your gutters. Hail can put dents or holes in your downspouts that keep them from draining properly. Backed-up water will then stay in your gutters and lead to problems.

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It’s also possible for debris to become trapped in your downspouts, so make sure you can pour water from the top and see it rush to the bottom. If not, you have something obstructing the spout.

Prepare your home for any weather before it arrives so you aren’t left trying to repair the damage. Preparation prevents the need to panic.

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