6 Ways to Improve Your Home Security

6 Ways to Improve Your Home Security

Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

A homeowner has many different responsibilities. However, perhaps the most important of these responsibilities is keeping your home safe and secure for your family. Unfortunately, break-ins, burglaries, and home invasions are more common than one would hope. To fend off these threats, you must improve your home security. Below are six strategies that work.

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Install Motion Activated Flood Lights

One fact you should be aware of is that the vast majority of burglaries happen between the hours of 10 PM and 3 AM. The reason why is easy to understand. Under the veil of night, criminals are far less likely to be detected. However, you can easily remove that veil. Simply install motion-activated floodlights that flash on after any tiny amount of movement is detected. If the criminal can be seen, they are far less likely to proceed with their plans. Make sure to have these lights installed near all possible entrances of your home for the highest level of security.

Put Up Fencing

Another way to stop intruders and criminals is to put up extra obstacles for them. Even if those obstacles could be feasibly overcome, the criminal is more likely to choose not to put in that kind of effort and will target another home instead. Fencing can do just that. It can make your house harder to access and less likely to be targeted. Other things on your property should also be fenced off. This is certainly the case for a pool. Pools are dangerous, and children can drown in them on accident. Prevent this from happening by installing a DIY pool fence. It will be well worth the small investment of time and money.

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Install Smart Security Cameras

Another choice that can really improve your home security is the installation of security cameras. The mere appearance of security cameras may be enough to ward off most criminals. However, you should be aware of the fact that modern home security cameras are more advanced than the cameras of the past. Many models implement smart technology that allows them to be operated remotely through the use of smartphone apps. You will be able to view live camera footage of your home from anywhere you have an internet connection. You can also get security alerts sent immediately to your phone if suspicious activity is recorded by the cameras.

Watch What You Say on Social Media

The criminals of today are rather tech-savvy. If you are on social media, the criminals targeting your neighborhood probably are too. In fact, this is one of the ways that burglars choose which homes to target. If you are talking about an upcoming vacation on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, a burglar could see the post and then schedule the burglary of your home for when you’re away. Overall, it’s a good idea to limit the amount of information about you and your family that you put online. Try to keep your actual street address secret, and never publish any information online that could tip off burglars or other criminals.

Reinforce Your Door Locks

Door locks are very important for protecting a home from criminals. If a lock is too easy to pick, you could become a target. Consider investing in reinforced door locks that implement heavy deadbolts and other security features that are much more difficult for criminals to bypass. You may also want to invest in smart door locks. These locks can be controlled via a smartphone app. They can also be programmed to lock automatically if left unlocked for too long.

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Install an Alarm System

Lastly, install an alarm system in your home for the highest level of security. If a criminal tries to break into your home, the alarm will sound. They will most likely panic and leave. That choice would be very wise since many systems automatically alert the police of break-ins. Even simply advertising the fact that you have such a system installed may be a good enough deterrent to ward off most criminals.

Home security should be your top priority as a homeowner. You need to protect your family. Implement the options above as well as others that can increase your home’s security so you can rest more easily knowing that your family is safe.

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