Interior Design Tips for Decorating a Large Window

If you’re currently in the process of redecorating your home, you probably already know that your project would not be complete without the ideal window treatment to compliment your furnishings and overall style of your interior. You need to find a solution that achieves that perfect middle ground between light control and privacy, while also considering the right patterns, colours, and textures.

Because we know how challenging this process can be, we’ve collated some unique interior design tips for dressing a large window. Here they are, in no particular order;

The most important element of dressing an oversized window is to pay attention to scale. The scale of the fabric, patterns, window shape and size determine how to approach the treatments. That means plenty of natural light. So if it’s a splashy floral, tailored plaid, or even something as simple and exquisite as dotted Swiss, make sure to allow plenty of view to shine through and pay homage to the window shape, but not overwhelm it.

When selecting treatments for a large window, think in layers. There is the sun control layer, the air flow layer, the temperature control layer, the privacy layer, and the decorative layer. Almost every window will need at least one of these layers addressed in order to create a comfortable environment inside the home. When all of these layers are designed with intention, the end result can be both functional and beautiful.

Large windows are generally a major feature of the space, so plays a large part when it comes to your home’s interior design. I would try to keep the window free of any treatment to allow it to form seamlessly part of the space. However, if you needed it to be covered, in the case of a bedroom, I’d use a simple linen roman blind the same colour as the wall so the focus is still on the large window.

Think of it more as “framing” and not “covering.” Here’s the thing: the window becomes more important, the view gets better, and somehow, the window ends up looking bigger. It’s a weird magic trick, but it always works!

When covering a window, it’s always about layering: the privacy layer, the light control layer, and the “dressing” layer: the part that really helps knit the rest of the room into the architecture of it all (I love fabric or grass Roman blinds with architectural side drapery panels). Not every window needs all three, but almost every window benefits from at least two!

Make sure you calculate your amount of widths carefully. Too much fabric will block out the light, too little will look skimpy. Large drop curtains drape better with interlining.

Think of the view

Don’t compete with the view. Large window treatments can be tricky. I first look at the exposure and view to consider whether the treatment needs to function for darkening purposes and/or privacy. Then I consider the shape and context to the wall and dream up a unifying scheme. This can be affected by the floor as well; is it wooden floors, or using a room carpet; what floor covering is being utilised in the space?

If the view is great and privacy isn’t an issue, keep it simple and “frame” the window decoratively. Practically for sun protection and privacy when needed a low profile blind that has minimum stacking will go up and basically disappear, keeping your focus on the view. If your view is terrible and privacy is your issue, make the coverings the feature.

When dressing a large window, let as much light as possible into the room, do not cover the window and darken the room. In terms of decoration, it is really up to the client’s preference, however my choice would be to use luxurious curtains or sheers that fall on the door.

Curtains both open and close

Consider how the design will work when curtains or blinds are open AND closed. It needs to compliment your scheme both night and day. Trim plain curtains with a bold luxurious design along the outside edge to add drama for less money; you might find they’re also easier to live with than curtains in one dramatic pattern that could overwhelm the rest of your scheme.

Next and most important is engaging a great custom treatment shop to bring my vision to fruition. Large windows can have heavy treatments and a flawless installation is very important to me.

I am all about timeless design when styling a large window. The design element is to create a personality of heights. It is important for any given spaces to fill the room up as tall, open, and intimate.

It’s all about the fabric

Styling a large window should give you the feel and want to touch fabulous fabric – so make sure you understand different types of fabrics. Home speaks huge volume of your personality and lifestyle and let others see your true authentic self and home.

Finally, consider using two to three times fullness in fabric for the width of the window. You cannot skimp on fullness or the treatment will be out of scale with the window. Also. Place the rod 4 to 6 inches from the ceiling. This will add height and drama to the treatment.

About Lauren

Lauren Clarke is an Australian freelance blogger, who writes blog posts on a variety of topics, such as business, marketing and technology. Outside of writing, she enjoys red wine, and live theatre.

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