How to Spot a Narcissist: 5 Signs

The first impression you get of a narcissist is that they are incredibly likable, fun, and charismatic; thus, it is very easy for you to fall head over heels for them. Many people are drawn towards narcissists due to their charm and confidence. However, as the relationship progresses, their behavior becomes aggressive and demeaning. Therefore, you may want to know whether someone is a narcissist before you get too attached.

What is Narcissism? Narcissism is also known as a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). It is a personality disorder whereby individuals have an inflated opinion of themselves and have a deep need for excessive attention and admiration. A person with narcissistic behavior may encounter problems in many areas of life, such as school, work, and relationships. Studies have shown that narcissistic behavior is more rampant in men than women.

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Below are traits and behaviors that can help you spot a narcissistic person

1. Feeling superior and entitled

Superiority and entitlement is the most dominant aspect of a narcissist. Narcissists tend to believe they are the center of the universe, everything revolves around them, and they deserve special treatment even when they have done nothing to earn it. According to them, they are too good for anything ordinary or average. That is why they like being associated with high-status things, people, and places.

They crave attention and expect people around them to comply with their every wish and whim. Those that don’t give them the attention they need are considered useless. In the process of feeling superior, they end up belittling people they don’t perceive to be part of their exclusive club. Also, by feeling superior, they can hide some of their shortcomings, enabling them to preserve their image.

2. Lack of empathy

Another common trait of narcissist is a lack of empathy. A narcissist disregards the feelings of other people and cannot comprehend how their behavior affects other people. They will hardly ask you about your thoughts or how you are feeling.

A narcissist is so self-centered, and all they do is talk about themselves. Even when you bring up an issue that requires some comfort and advice, they do not seem to care or show any concern. For example, you could start talking to a person about how you lost your parent, and pretty soon, they will be talking about how they got a new car. Many people find narcissists insensitive due to their inability to recognize the needs and feelings of others.

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3. Need for admiration

A narcissistic person always feels superior to others and expects constant praise and admiration from the people around them. Constant praise and admiration make them feel appreciated and boosts their ego. They expect you to praise them even without achievements that warrant it.

Many of them get disappointed when they do not get the attention they believe they deserve. Any form of criticism highlighting some of their flaws or insecurities is met with a burst of narcissistic rage; they may be rude or abusive. Narcissistic people take criticism very personally and hold nasty grudges.

4. Difficulty with attachments

Having a narcissist as a friend or partner is a complex affair and requires much understanding. Over time you may feel unimportant, uncared about, and ignored because a narcissist appears to not care about your feelings and interests.

Many narcissists do not have long-term friends due to their inability to connect and bond well with others.

5. Boundless ambitions

A narcissistic person will often set boundless goals, most of which are filled with lots of fantasy. Their sense of superiority and entitlement prompts them to have these boundless ambitions. They often fantasize about being the best of the best, how much richer they will be, how much more beautiful and powerful.

As a result, they only want to mingle with people of high status and constantly obsess over materialistic things. Some set these boundless goals to look successful and please others, whereas others have boundless ambitions to make them feel significant and in control and protect them from feelings of inner shame and emptiness.

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Bottom line

Having one of these traits does not make you a narcissist. However, if you think someone you care about shows some of these signs, it’s best to seek professional help.

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