Top 5 Magento Development Trends That Will Keep You Ahead in 2021-’22

The growing popularity of the e-commerce sector and certain new technologies are keeping up with the latest trends at a rapid rate. Magento is one of the companies that is participating in this league.

It is essential to incorporate the most recent upgrades into your Magento shop with the help of Magento-certified developers in order for it to emerge as a victor on the internet. With the sector projected to reach $1.2 trillion in revenue, you can’t afford to ignore them if you want to be successful in your company.

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Some of the Magento Development trends to look out for in 2021-’22

  1. Real-time streaming

Live streaming is the most talked-about trend in the world of e-commerce marketing right now and is one of the best Magento support services. In recognition of the beneficial effect of audiovisuals, Magento has begun integrating this function, which allows you to offer a product demo through a live stream on your website or social media platforms, among other things.

This paradigm change has occurred as a result of the COVID-19 issue, which has compelled companies to embrace this method of communicating with their customers. The addition of live videos to your Magento shop may easily increase traffic since audiovisuals give greater clarity about your service offers than written content.

Real-time communication fosters a feeling of belonging in the customer’s mind by responding to all of their questions as soon as they are received. As a result, you will be more likely to win the hearts of your prospective consumers.

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  1. Push Notifications

Did you know that push notifications have a 90 percent greater open rate than other types of alerts? Yes, it is correct. In other words, you cannot undercut the effectiveness of push notifications in bringing consumers to your Magento shop.

Push notifications make it simpler to notify your consumers about the newest deals, discounts, and promotions by sending those messages directly to their phones. Magento 2 has a variety of push notification extensions to help you stay on top of the latest fashion trends and maintain your online presence.

Cart abandonment is the most difficult problem that e-commerce website owners have to deal with. With push notifications, you can remind consumers of the items they have left in their shopping carts on a regular basis, encouraging them to return to your business.

  1. Voice Search

The e-commerce sector has been swept up in the popularity of voice search technologies. In turn, this has resulted in a more enjoyable shopping experience for the consumer base. Their favorite items may now be found without having to write a single word, thanks to voice-enabled search technology.

Voice search has also helped to enhance the whole purchasing experience for the consumer. It is essential to incorporate voice search into your online Magento shop with the help of a reliable Magento Development agency in order to capture this potential consumer market.

Customers may quickly and easily discover answers to their questions by using smart voice search help such as Alexa, Siri, or Google Home, among other options. Voice search, which is one of the most recent developments in the Magento e-commerce industry, is expected to be around for a long time.

When it comes to voice aviation, product categorization is critical when it comes to diving into voice search. Search queries should be seen as dialogues if you want to execute the most effective search strategy possible.

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  1.  Chatbots

The use of chatbots is another prominent Magento e-commerce development trend that will continue to grow in popularity for the foreseeable future. Chatbots are becoming more useful with the development of Artificial Intelligence technology since they can anticipate future purchases from consumers.

They can simply evaluate the buying behavior of consumers by looking at their purchase history on their website. In addition to speech and text, chatbots may show high-quality pictures, video lessons, online sites, and blogs that are relevant to the goods being discussed.

Furthermore, a reputable Magento web development firm can assist you in smoothly integrating a chatbot add-on into your online shop. Chatbots, which come with a slew of advantages, assist businesses and e-commerce owners in attracting and engaging more prospective consumers while also providing a much-needed customized shopping experience

Given that83 percent of consumers seek help before proceeding with their purchase, it is always a good idea to provide them with a user-friendly chatbot. In the event that your consumers need any information, they may immediately seek assistance from the chatbot.

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  1. Personalization

Because of the intense competition in the eCommerce market, you must concentrate on providing consumers with customized purchasing experiences. In order to attract more prospective consumers, Magento eCommerce mobile applications and websites may provide unique discounts and coupons to existing customers.

Make use of Magento development services, which can assist you in formulating the most effective methods for providing customized user experiences to your customers and clients. Personalization of user experiences may be achieved via the application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, respectively.

For example, you may send SMS alerts and emails to consumers based on their purchasing activity patterns and preferences, as well as their demographic information. Push notifications are also a common trend these days since they allow company owners to keep track of their customers’ actions and send them alerts in order to entice them to buy something.

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Final Remarks

As a Magento shop owner, it is critical that you stay up with the newest Magento development trends and developments. The upcoming trends aid you in gaining a thorough understanding of the industry and stay one step ahead of the competition. Furthermore, it will assist in improving the appearance of your shop, but it will also help increase sales and income.

Of the many Magento development companies available, you may reap the advantages of working with a trustworthy Magento development company in India. Don’t let these trends pass you by; instead, make sure your business is well-equipped to earn a significant income.

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